The People vs a Frightened Spider.
Court Acknowledgement:
"Your Honors"
Bailiff Acknowledgement:
"People of the Court"
In Favor of Plaintiff.
Case Summary:
Plaintiff was DM'ing a session where the party was in a flying castle (elevation: 2 miles). The druid wanted to question a spider in the lobby of the castle, at which point the DM (Matt B.) stated that the spider was too frightened to be helpful as he was terrified with the castle in the air. The players objected to this, stating that spiders can naturally live at extreme elevations.
Justices Axford and Murph immediately agree with the DM (Matt B.) and state that the DM does have the power to determine the anxiety levels of the NPCs they have created. Justice Axford also suggests that the players have alternate avenues (e.g. Calm Emotions). All justices agree that the spider has anxiety and altitude sickness.
Dissenting: 0
In Abstention: 0
The players must be eaten by a large amount of scared spiders, on an airplane after being wrapped in a web for one (1) day.