

Court Acknowledgement:



Bailiff Acknowledgement:




In Favor of Plaintiff.


Case Summary:

Background: Patrick A. was a new DM at the time of this event. Defendant had created a min-maxed dwarf with 20+ strength and -2 dexterity. The defendant wished to jump on a moving stagecoach to attack. Plaintiff warned Defendant that this was a bad idea, but called for an acrobatics roll when the defendant insisted. The defendant rolled a Natural One (1) upon which the Plaintiff describes the Defendant has fallen off the cart and is stuck in the wheels whereupon they begin taking damage every round that they cannot pass a Dexterity check to escape the wheels. After four (4) rounds, the defendant's PC expired. Defendant claims they should have been able to use Athletics for the climbing of the stagecoach.


Justice Murph sides with the DM on the key argument; if the DM sets the roll and you make the roll then you must live with the outcome. However, the bench takes issue with the subsequent punishment following the Natural One (1) where all agreed that Patrick A. was "a meanie". Ultimately, however, this case was discussing the initial roll where the bench unanimously agrees that the Defendant accepted the roll and should accept the consequences.

Dissenting: 0

    In Abstention: 0


      The defendant is to be run over by a carriage.