

Court Acknowledgement:



Bailiff Acknowledgement:




In Favor of Plaintiff.


Case Summary:

Emma was accused of metagaming during her first ever D&D session because her character was worried that a circle of mushrooms in the woods was a fairy circle. Another player was the one who called this out and Emma was not invited back to another session.


Per Justice Murph "Complaints about Metagaming are like complaints about railroading; and it's basically like 10% of the complaints that are valid." The court agrees that Emma was bullied and should be thankful not to play with these players any longer.

Dissenting: 0

    In Abstention: 0


      The players and DM are sentenced to take a bad hike with no view at the end, separately from Emma. They are not allowed to metagame by bringing a map, food, water, etc.