The Ungrateful Moonlit PC.
Court Acknowledgement:
Bailiff Acknowledgement:
In Favor of Plaintiff.
Case Summary:
As a reward, Laura G. (DM) granted one of her PCs the "Hat of the Moonlit King". This allows the player to teleport up to 100 feet while in moonlight. Later, this PC attempted to use the helm while fleeing the BBEG during the day, stating that there is still moonlight during the day. The DM disagreed and later the PC died during the fight. The PC maintains to this day that they should have been able to use the helm.
The bench didn't even complete hearing this case before siding with the DM. The player had many options available to them, including distracting the BBEG with season one (1) of The Sopranos so that the battle would take place at night.
Dissenting: 0
In Abstention: 0
This player in sentenced to believe it is always night, are not allowed to use curtains, must be run over by a kayak, are not allowed to watch the film Moonlight, and are not allowed to wear sunglasses.